Friday, July 31, 2009

2 Days Away - Song of the Day

Good news and bad news. The good news is that I picked a song for today. The bad news (if you could even call it that) is that the artist isn't from Chicago.

Today's song comes from Sufjan Stevens, a Detroit native. It is "Chicago," one of my favorite songs by him. I think from the title you can see why I picked it.

I really like Sufjan Stevens, especially when I'm in the mood to listen to something new. His songs always have a really full, orchestral sound that is really refreshing to hear.

Anyway, today shall be more of the same. I think I might actually start packing for real and getting stuff together. I also have to get my surprise for Yuri ready so that it will be here when we come back home. Other than that, I'll be taking it easy.

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